Doctors in Moradabad
Increase social awareness. Get Noticed
The total population of Moradabad district is 13 Lac+

Social Media Marketing
The social campaign helps you
Attracting more patients | Building a trusted brand | Amplify your achievements | Recognition in your area
For clinics
Package Price ₹10,000 /month
Content Creation
- Post on Page (3 Per Week)
- Content writing
- Graphic creation
- Engagement Activities
Guaranteed ROI
- Audience Reach (Approx.) 20k – 25k
Optional: Video shoot of 2 min (₹10,000 /video)
Video shooting | Scripting | Editing | Approval
For Hospitals
Package Price ₹17,000 /month
Content Creation
- Post on Page (3 Per Week)
- Content writing
- Graphic creation
- Engagement Activities
Guaranteed ROI
- Audience Reach (Approx.) 50k – 60k
Optional: Video shoot of 2 min (₹10,000 /video)
Video shooting | Scripting | Editing | Approval

Why Bitvero?
Thinking of handling Instagram! Think again.
Focus and consistency matter when it comes to brand building.

Why Marketing?
You are an expert as a doctor. We are experts as a marketer.
Let’s do it together!
Terms & Conditions
- No contract. Start upfront
- Money back in case of less than 50% outreach.
- Only approved videos are posted.