Facebook Ads Optimization: Advanced Strategies

Facebook Ads Optimization: Advanced Strategies

Running Facebook paid ads requires some strategies.

This includes both basic and advanced strategies.

We consider that you are aware of some basic Facebook ad strategies like targeting the right audience based on demographics and location, choosing the right intent, creating compelling ad copies using strong CTAs, etc.

So, in this article, we will discuss some Advanced Facebook Ads Optimization Strategies.

Let’s start!

Use Lookalike Audience

You know that it is important to understand your target audience before running any paid ads.

This is basic to set the audience based on gender, age, or radius.

But if you want to narrow down your audience even more to show ads exactly to those people who seem like your existing customers in every aspect, this is called a lookalike audience.

Facebook allows you to create and optimize ads for such an audience.

While creating your Facebook ad campaign, you will find a section that tells you to set an advanced audience using either:

  • a custom audience
  • or a lookalike audience



A custom audience is basically users who have somehow interacted with your business earlier.

While the lookalike audience is absolutely new users but like your existing customers.

Create lookalike audience

You can create your own lookalike audience either based on a custom audience or a custom audience based on customer value—meaning customers giving you high value will be prioritised from among the list.

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Note: If you already have any other data source, such as a Facebook page or an existing custom list, that you want to use, you can choose to use that.  

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To create a custom list, you can use any source that you own or Meta’s assets.

Because here we are discussing creating a lookalike audience based on your sources or data, you can choose to upload your customer list or website visitors using Meta Pixel data.

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There are other options, too, like offline activity, app activity, or catalogue, but people usually prefer the said two options, however, if you find the other options best suitable in your case, you can create a custom audience based on this.

Now, to create a lookalike audience based on customer value, you need to add a customer value column while preparing a custom audience list.

You can assign any random numerical value to your customer in descending order, with the customer giving you a high return, having been assigned the highest numerical value.

Once you have prepared the list, you can proceed with it.

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Plus, you have to inform Facebook that you want to target an audience based on high customer value.

For that, select “yes” to inform Facebook that your customer list also contains the customer value column.

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Once you’ve done this, choose the list once through the Map identifier. If everything is okay, you can finally upload the list and confirm to proceed with the next step in the process of creating your Facebook ad campaign.

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Dynamic Creative Optimisation

Going for dynamic creative optimisation is another great Facebook ad strategy you can use. This strategy is concerned with the content you use for your Facebook ads, like images, videos, headline descriptions or CTAs.

As the name suggests, the content remains dynamic, which means keep adapting to pair better and best according to suit the needs and intent of users, that is, with creativity.

So the thing you need to do in this strategy is instead of giving a single image or video for your ad copy, you upload many versions of each, be it CTAs, images, videos or anything else simultaneously.

Once this bulk is uploaded, when it comes to showing ads to any user, Facebook automatically extracts and pairs the best of them to match user intent, taste, or overall interest.

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Campaign Budget Optimisation

Campaign budget optimisation is quite similar to dynamic creative optimisation, meaning like DCO in this strategy too Facebook performs the task on your behalf.

In CBO, you just set an amount of the total budget you can afford to spend on the campaign. Beyond that, you don’t decide anything like to which action how much budget should be allocated like those of Minimum ROAS, where you specify that for every pound you must get this much return at least, or Cost Cap Bidding, where you set a maximum cost cap that you’re willing to pay for each action like lead or purchase.

As you know, in such a strategy, you have to intervene. While in CBO, your task is to set the budget limit only and all the work of adjustment and optimising the budget to bring the most out of your ad is left to Facebook algorithms.

These days, this is a much-recommended bidding strategy as in this Facebook, based on time, and users and performance distribute and keep adjusting your budget amount to ensure you get the best possible return on your campaign.

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Final Note:

We hope the tips help you to enhance the effectiveness of your Facebook ads campaign. You can contact paid ads campaign experts if you are looking for expert help in the optimisation process. You can call us on +91 901 276 4000 or visit our office.


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